Due to High economic fluctuations. Prices will be revised on
7th September

Last day till old price is 6th September


The PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is a programming language that allows web developers to create dynamic content that interacts with databases, moreover, PHP is the most popular scripting language on the web. Without PHP Facebook, Yahoo, Google wouldn't have exist. PHP is basically used for developing web based software applications. This tutorial helps you to build your base with PHP.
  • Course Category

    Web Development

  • Course Difficulty


Learning Outcomes

  • create a PHP web page that is unique to each visitor
  • validate user input
  • create, back up and restore a MySQL database
  • perform various MySQL database queries
  • create, sign up and login to a password-protected site
  • create dynamically-generated tables
  • customise the theme for a WordPress site
  • use PHP-driven dynamic content in HTML5 animations

Learn Web Development the smart way with Web Development Training courses at ACE.

Advantages of PHP over Other Languages

First of all, If you’re familiar with other server-side languages like ASP.NET or Java, you might be wondering what makes PHP so special. There are several advantages why one should choose PHP.

  • Easy to learn: PHP is easy to learn and use.because, PHP is an open-source project. It is developed and maintained by a worldwide community of developers who make its source code freely available to download and use.
  • Portability: PHP runs on various platforms such as Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS, etc. and it is compatible with almost all servers used today such Apache, IIS, etc.
  • Fast Performance: Scripts written in PHP usually execute or runs faster than those written in other scripting languages like ASP, Ruby, Python, Java, etc.
  • Vast Community: Since PHP is supported by the worldwide community, finding help or documentation related to PHP online is extremely easy.

Curriculum For This Course

  • Introduction to PHP Differences between Client Side Language(HTML) & Server Side Language (PHP & ASP)
  • Introduction to PHP syntax, their Usage. Installing Sublime , Xampp/Wamp, Heidi SQL
  • Introduction to Apache Server, PHP my Admin, Localhost Setting Up 1st PHP Project in Sublime. Introduction to Sublime
  • Exploring data types Variables, String, String Functions, Integers, Floating Points, Arrays, Associative Arrays, Array Functions, Booleans, Constants
  • Control Structures: Logical Expressions If Statements, IF- Else Statements, Logical Operators, Switch Statements
  • Control Structures: Loops While Loops, For Loops, For-each Loops, Continue, Break
  • User Defined Functions Defining functions, Function Arguments, Returning Values, Multiple Return Values, Scope & Global Variables, Default Arguments Debugging Problems, Warnings, Errors, Trouble Shooting
  • Building Web Pages Link & URLs, Includes, Requires, Headers, Redirects Working with Forms & Data Building Forms, Form Submissions, Validations, Validation Errors, Custom Validation
  • Working with Cookies & Sessions Cookies, Setting Cookies, Reading Cookies, Unsetting Cookies, Working Reading Deleting Sessions
  • MySQL Basics Database Building, Tables inside database, CRUD in MySQL, Populating MySQL database, Relations, Primary Key, Foreign Key, Views
  • Revision of 1st Month
  • PHP & MySQL Connection Database API in Php, Connection, Receiving Data from database, Working with data, Creating Records, Updating & Deleting Records, SQL Injection, Escape Strings
  • Building Content Management System Flow Charting the Application, Building the CMS database, Using HTMLS & CSS templates for frontend, Styling your webpages, Bootstrap Components, Database Connection
  • Preparing Frontend Creating Navigation for the whole project, Setting the active page for the system, Displaying pages via Dropdown Menu
  • Application CRUD PART-I Search Form Creation, Finding subject in database, Developing the search page, New subject Form, Coding the new subject form, Preprocessing the values & validation
  • Application CRUD PART-II Creating an edit subject form, Single page submission, AJAX usage, Deleting a subject, Cleaning the CRUD,
  • Building the Public Area Conditional Coding, Public content area, Protecting the public content
  • Regulating the Page Access PART-I Authentication overview, ADMIN CRUD, Encrypting the Passwords, Salting the passwords
  • Regulating the Page Access PART-II Password encryption for CMS, PHP password function, Creating login system, Checking authorization, Logout Page
  • Finishing our Content Management System Fixing any errors & Bugs
  • Conclusion of Course, Future Prospects

Course Information

  • Session Duration: 8 weeks
  • Credit Hours: 36
  • Student Capacity: 6
  • Week Schedule: Monday to Wednesday
  • Class Duration: 1.5 hr
  • Course Teachers: Sir M.Abdullah & sir Aakif Raza

Upcoming Session Dates

Last Date of Admission: Sat 07-September-2024
Session Start Date: Mon 09-September-2024

Last Date of Admission: Sat 14-September-2024
Session Start Date: Mon 16-September-2024

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the admission procedure?

1). You need to give your Evaluation test before taking admission, so we can get update about your present Coding level and it helps us to improve students programming and advance projects skills. 2). After Evaluation you need to fill up the admission form along with the followings: a) Two PP size photos b) CNIC Copy

Is there Any facility for demonstration class?

Yes, we offer free trial class for 2 days.

Is there any other fee that I have to pay?

Admission Fee = Rs. 2000/- (Included in 12500 ) Evaluation Fee = Rs. 300/- (Excluded) Student Card = Rs. 100/- (Excluded)

What is your refund policy?

Fee once paid is not refundable and not transferable.

Do you offer online classes?

Yes, ACE offers you online classes on Skype. Please add this id for online classes and fee schedule.Skype ID = 03335335792

How and when can I apply for certificate?

After course completion, you will apply for your certificate. And for that you will have to complete your final project withing 1 week on the base of your final project you will be awarded with certificate.

Do you have any other branch of ACE Institute?

Currently we are just offering our services at G-10 Markaz islamabad.

Course Price: Rs 21500 /-

or Call to Reserve at

0333-5335792 | 0333-5335892

  • Upcoming Session

  • Last Date of Admission Sat 07-September-2024
  • Session Start Date Mon 09-September-2024

  • Course Level Basic to Intermediate
  • Course Pre-Requisite None
  • Course Length 8 weeks

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