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Complete Modern Javascript Course

Javascript is the basic foundation of modern frontend development nowadays. This course will take you from basic to advance level all the way covering everything necessary to work on popular frameworks like react js, angular js, vue js. The Must learn Javascript course in 2021
  • Course Category

    Web Development

  • Course Difficulty


Learning Outcomes

  • JavaScript fundamentals: variables, if/else, operators, boolean logic, functions, arrays, objects, loops, strings, etc.
  • Asynchronous JavaScript: Event loop, promises, async/await, AJAX calls and APIs
  • Modern tools for 2020 and beyond: NPM, Parcel, Babel and ES6 modules
  • Modern ES6+ from the beginning: arrow functions, destructuring, spread operator, optional chaining (ES2020), etc.
  • Manipulating web pages (= the DOM) with JavaScript
  • Project-driven learning with plenty of examples

This is the Modern JAVASCRIPT course. The only course you need to master everything related to DOM manipulation, event handling, module bundling, and much much more.

This is the only course you need to have a solid foundation in Javascript in today’s modern world.

Curriculum For This Course

  • Visual Code Installation, Extensions
  • Hello World!
  • Using The Console
  • Variables - var, let & const
  • Data Types in JavaScript
  • Type Conversion
  • Numbers & The Math Object
  • String Methods & Concatenation
  • Template Literals
  • Arrays & Array Methods
  • Object Literals
  • Dates & Times
  • If Statements & Comparison Operators
  • Switches
  • Function Declarations & Expressions
  • DOM
  • DOM Selectors For Single Elements
  • DOM Selectors For Multiple Elements
  • Traversing The DOM
  • Creating Elements
  • Removing & Replacing Elements
  • Event Listeners & The Event Object
  • Mouse Events
  • Keyboard & Input Events
  • Event Bubbling & Delegation
  • Local & Session Storage
  • DOM Manipulation Project
  • Constructors & the 'this' Keyword
  • Built In Constructors
  • Prototypes Explained
  • Prototypal Inheritance
  • Using Object.create
  • ES6 Classes
  • Sub Classes
  • Build The Book List UI
  • Add Book To List
  • Validation & Alert
  • Delete Book From List
  • Convert to ES6 Classes
  • Add Local Storage
  • What Is Asynchronous Programming?
  • Ajax & XHR Introduction
  • XHR Object Methods & Working With Text
  • Working With Ajax & JSON
  • Data From an External API
  • REST APIs & HTTP Requests
  • Callback Functions
  • Custom HTTP Library (Ajax With Callbacks)
  • ES6 Promises
  • The Fetch API
  • Arrow Functions
  • Custom HTTP Library (Fetch With Promises) - Part 3
  • Async & Await
  • Custom HTTP Library (Fetch With Async Await)
  • API Projects
  • Intro To ES2015 Modules
  • Create The UI
  • Create a fake REST API Using JSON Server
  • Get & Display Posts
  • Add Posts & Show Alert
  • Removing Posts
  • Post Edit State & Update [1]
  • Post Edit State & Update [2]
  • Intro to VueJS, React, Angular

Course Information

  • Session Duration: 2 Months
  • Credit Hours: 24
  • Student Capacity: 6
  • Week Schedule: 3 Days a week
  • Class Duration: 90 Min
  • Course Teachers: Sir M. Aakif Raza

Upcoming Session Dates

Last Date of Admission: Sat 27-July-2024
Session Start Date: Mon 29-July-2024

Last Date of Admission: Sat 03-August-2024
Session Start Date: Mon 05-August-2024

Frequently Asked Questions

No FAQ's found for this course.

Course Price: Rs 18500 /-

or Call to Reserve at

0333-5335792 | 0333-5335892

  • Upcoming Session

  • Last Date of Admission Sat 27-July-2024
  • Session Start Date Mon 29-July-2024

  • Course Level Basic to Intermediate
  • Course Pre-Requisite None
  • Course Length 2 Months

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