Learn the tips that are going to get you hired in no time.
- 06-01-2025
- By: Ace American Institute Of English
Would you prefer to sit around your house all day and be unproductive? On the other hand, would you rather prefer to have a job and earn to live your best life? You will most definitely choose the 2ndoption, who would not.
Nowadays people are hustling to earn as many means of money as possible. Would you like to be one of those people? The answer is probably yes. For this, firstly you need to land a job at a good company.
Now coming to the crucial part of getting the job. Is it the job itself? Certainly not if you are good at your job then it is a piece of cake. Is it the workers or the boss? Having a good attitude and mutual understanding with them can solve this problem. So what exactly is that crucial part you may wonder? You might have guessed it already; it is the interview.
Interviews can be quite nerve wrecking as they are main procedure that can get you the job. They contain a variety of several questions that range from questions about early education to other experiences of yours that are similar to the job. You probably might be a bit skeptical just thinking about being put on the spot and while being questioned. Want to change your mind about it?
This article will not only give you tips but will also let you in on some insight about the questions that are usually asked in interviews. Have a good look at the five commonly asked questions and tips to answer them below:
Commonly asked Questions during job interviews:
- Tell us about yourself
This is usually the first most question that interviewers ask. It is deemed extremely important as it gives them an insight about the interviewees past work experience.
How to answer it:
Keep your answer short and precise. Read your C.V inside out, explain your past employment experiences and skills that are relevant to the job that you are applying for. Highlight your greatest achievements that you have gotten throughout your career and the skills you have learnt along the way. Answer with certainty and pride, so that you appear as a confident person to the interviewer.
- What are you strengths?
This is a commonly asked question and it asked so that the company can comprehend the skills that the interviewee has perfected in and how those skills can benefit them.
How to answer it
Highlight your every quality that you have enhanced in. State every skill that you are the most confident in, how it has seasoned you to do any job perfectly.
- Why should we hire you?
This question is asked so that the company can get to know the reason behind your pledge for the job. They want to know if it is your passion or need.
How to answer it.
Answer eloquently. Express your need for the job in a subtle manner. Do not let them think that not getting this job will be the end of the world for you instead, make them feel that hiring you will be extremely beneficial for them.
- What are your weaknesses?
The interviewer asks this so that they can get an insight of the things that you are not good at and skills that you are weak in. they ask this so they can know about tasks that you will not be able to perform well in.
How to answer it
Do not fully open up about your every weakness. Subtly let them know some of your weaknesses so that they do not expect you to fully meet their expectations in every aspect.
- What salary do you expect?
This question is asked so that the company can know about your desired salary. They want to get to know your need in terms of money and will probably act upon it if you are lucky enough.
How to answer it
Explain your need for the salary mindfully. Let them know your desired salary as it will be the fruit of all your hard work and effort. Do not state an over the top amount so that you do not appear greedy instead, state an average salary that is both considerable for them and enough for you.
Surely, these tips might have reduced the stigma surrounding the job interview questions for you. Remember these the next time you go for an interview to save yourself from the embarrassment of lacking in it. Answer with your head up, believe in yourself, have faith and go for it!
Ace American Institute Of English